How to Teach Children about Cultural Diversity?
Educando para la Paz.-
Enseñarle a los niños sobre la diversidad cultural les permitirá abrazar las diferencias.
Teaching children about cultural diversity will allow them to embrace differences.
Cultural diversity is an important concept to learn during childhood. Understanding that people are not all the same will allow children to embrace and appreciate the things that make each person or group different. Children detect differences, so taking the time to teach them what is important in each culture can help foster acceptance and understanding.
We will need:
• Music from different cultures
• Stories from different cultures
• Food from different cultures
You will find in this blog notes of interest about the inhabitants of the world and their cultural contributions, such as typical foods, festivities and respect for the family.
What do you think if we start with the Culture of Northern New Mexico?
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Educación para la No -Violencia /Education for Non-Violence