Thanks, Loyal Supporters By Darleen Ortiz

Los de Mora Local Growers' Cooperative (LDMLGC) would first like to sincerely thank Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) Organization for the many years of allowing us use of their building rent free and for paying all of our electric bills while occupying their building. Without this support we would have never been able to become a self-sustainable community owned country market. We are eternally grateful for all of CPLC's generosity and for them believing in our vision.


 Second, we would like to thank Mike Montoya the owner of the old Russell's Building, for working with us, in order to make our move possible. Also, to the many partners and organizations that have helped us along the way. 


Third, thank you to our investors, workers, members and volunteers for helping us turn this vision into a reality through your commitment and hard work.


Last but not least, thank you to all of our local loyal customers who have truly made our community owned country market a success.  We are committed to continue to help bring local farm fresh food and healthier food choices closer to your home.


On behalf of the LDMLGC Board of Directors we would like to thank everyone for allowing us to serve you and our community for many years to come.


To: Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting – May 20,2021