Time to Flourish and Rebirth

"When the power of Love surpasses the Love of power, the world will know peace." This quote from Jim Hendrix makes me reflect on the power of Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness.

 We are precisely in a time of reflection. For the Christian world, Lent is the time of forgiveness and fraternal reconciliation. “Love one another, as I have loved you”, was that the main message of Jesus. However, we have moved away from this mandate. We are “Arming One Against the Other”, on different levels.

 The citizens of Ukraine did not think that their lives would change so drastically this year, now they are refugees, orphans, widows and civil soldiers. The media makes us witnesses of the atrocities of wars. There are no winners in War, except for those who get rich by manufacturing, selling, and investing in the business of War.

 The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not alien to us, as it threatens to become a global issue. The reflection that this conflict brings to me is to value each day of our lives, with how much or how little we have, which leads us to rethink our priorities; be grateful for the air we breathe; for being able to eat in the tranquility of our home and hug our loved ones. For having a country, a home and continuing to plan our future.

 The people of Ukraine, having all this, had no reason to want to look elsewhere for a better future. They never thought of living as refugees in another country. However, now there is death and destruction all around them. These families are showing us the most beautiful proof of love and gratitude: saying goodbye to their loved ones, even knowing that they may not see each other again in this world. But their ideal of freedom and sovereignty helps them maintain the strength and courage to fight for their country, their family and a legacy for the new generations. Glory to Ukraine!

This War reminds me of the Battle of Mora in 1847, because it was those same ideals and love for the land, heritage for their families, the wish to preserve their lifestyle, language and culture, that led the people of Mora to face a giant: the US Army. Glory to Mora County’s Ancestors!

 This spring brings us the opportunity to flourish, to be reborn and do new things, so I leave you with this last thought: Could it be that if we start to sow in our minds thoughts and emotions opposed to FEAR, WRATH, REVENGE, HATE, SUBJUGATION, WAR, INTOLERANCE, THIRST FOR POWER, ILLNESS, GREED, ENVY, DEATH and other emotions that have caused so much pain to humanity, can we make a leap towards a Society based on LOVE, COMPASSION, GRATITUDE and JUSTICE?

 Thank you to all are readers, enjoy the Tik -Tok of La Voz de Mora, also our YouTube channel “Su Magazin Moreño”. We invite you to send us Tik-Tok videos about Culture and traditions.

 Happy Spring season and might God Bless all!




Marshall Fire, Boulder, CO vs Luna Fire, Chacon, NM- Speculations and Concerns!