HU Receives Grant to Create Distance Learning Site in Mora

March 10,2021.- The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded Highlands the grant, which is a partnership with Collaborative Visions, a nonprofit in Mora. New Mexico Highlands University received a $510,363 grant that will be used to create a distance learning site in Mora, New Mexico.


This is a great news for Mora, NM, and was published in March. Here is a summary of the interview with Dr. Edward Albert Martinez, from UH website: 


“This partnership with Collaborative Visions, Inc. will allow Highlands to provide a community-based distance learning site at the Helping Hands community building where Mora area residents will have access not only to remote classroom experiences, but also access to computers dedicated to educational use. Such access is incredibly important in an area where so many households are without broadband internet, limiting student access to remote learning opportunities,” Martínez said.

The Helping Hands building will be outfitted with desktop computers, laptop computers for loan, broadband internet access, Smart boards, laser printers, Zoom video conferencing capability, and more. Data cable will be installed throughout the building to support the computers and classroom technology.

Martínez said the leadership at Highlands believes that encouraging the success of individual students is enhanced when education can be achieved by embracing local culture and communities.

Since 2010, Collaborative Visions has worked in the Mora community to bring resources to Mora that have been unavailable because of its remote location.

 Collaborative Visions has been engaging the community to develop systems that add resources to the community while protecting the core community values.

This nonprofit owns the Helping Hands building, which has been in Mora for decades,” Martínez said.

Edward Martínez of Highlands, who is the lead researcher for the grant. “However, technology and more specifically broadband and connectivity, poses a barrier to bringing distance learning to the rural communities and homes of Northern New Mexico.


La Voz de Mora, has contacted the protagonists of this great achievement to get an update on this Project, since many people will be wondering when it will start, and how to apply to be users of this service, what programs will be offered, etc., and this is what Dr. Edward Albert Martinez told us.


“First, I would like to make it clear that the grant is only providing funds to purchase distance learning technology that will be installed at the Mora site.  This grant was just to establish the end user hub in Mora.  Once the technology is installed, it is up to the users to use it based on their needs.  For example, someone might want to use the facility to telework because their Wi-Fi signal is too weak or unreliable at their home, another may want to use it to attend one of their online courses, and someone in the community might want to use the facility to attend or host a meeting where others can attend virtually from their offices or homes.  These are just a few examples.”


What programs could the students apply?

 The grant did not identify any specific educational programs or curriculum to be offered or created.  Again, the funds were only for the technology.  I realize that the original story was somewhat misleading in terms of appearing that certain programs will be offered.  At this point, those discussions have not happened and no agreements have been made.

Once the technology is installed and the Hub is ready to be opened, Collaborative Visions will have to develop a procedure for the appropriate and safe use of the facility to keep everyone safe as well as protect the equipment.


When will the site be ready?

 We are still waiting for the final approval from USDA before we can start.  Once we have approval, we will develop a timeline for installation of the technology.  My hope is to have it up and going by this summer.


WELL DONE - this is a great service for Mora Community!


Groundwater Resources in Mora County: Conserving for Our Future By Kate Zeigler, Ph.D., CPG